No Risk, No Fun.

Hmmm, now you might say "Wow, that IS an interresting headline for an institution which claims to offer only safe investments!"


Well, you are right. In a way it is a contradiction to our regular business model.


But, please imagine this:

You are having a meeting with one of your clients, and suddenly your client asks you, "Well, don't you know by chance someone who might be interrested to buy my company?" or he says, "Look, I've got here our newest development with a huge market potential. Do you know somebody who could be interrested in investing some money into this kind of project?"


This is, what happens. Not very often, but every once in a while.

Ok, now we could answer, "No Sir, this is not our business model, but we wish you good luck in your search!"


Or, we could decide to help those entrepreneurs - what we in fact  decided to do.


So, besides our extremely safe regular investment opportunities, we are also offering real Private Equity investment. The companies involved are usually based in Germany and either do have a high market potential or are running companies, whose owner has decided to retire.

So, even though these investments do include the regular risk of entrepreneurship, the companies have undergone a due diligence check for their businesses and are as safe as this kind of investment can be. What you'll get is an extremely good chance for high returns and you are supporting German SMEs.

Those investments are not restricted to German citicens, but open to everybody.


Please ask for our current listings for this kind of investment HERE.